This is not a game about those.
This is about someone who use to be a wizard, a story about a man - coping with the feeling of loss of purpose. A lonely man... A struggling man... A man not sure where his future may take him.

In this game, you play as a cursed wizard who lost his power to a dark shadowy figure. To try find a cure to his affliction, he uses his gifts he has obtained over the many years of searching. 


WASD to move, Click to attack, E to Interact

# From Dev: I am slightly disappointed, as I did not get where I wanted to with this game before sharing it with the community. I have never developed a game before and have been wanting to try for the past 24 years (PS i'm Thors age) - I truly believe PirateSoftware (Thor) gave me the push to make it. This is still very early and I would appreciate all feedback and ideas you may have for the future development of this game.




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I was excited to play this, the art is really good! I'd remove the word retard from it though... I'll try it again once it's updated